l 本系列绕线机具有外观造型设计新颖、构造简单、性能卓越、操控容易、故障少、保养方便。/This series of machines have not only graceful appearance and fine configuration, but also simple operation and speedy maintenance etc multifunction.
l 绕线机使用日本最先进CNC运控器,本运控器具有直线、圆弧插补,螺丝环绕等卓越功能。/The machine is a CNC (Japanese) controlled with beeline, arc interpolation, and screw winding etc preeminent functions.
l 传动系统采用松下AC伺服马达,定位准确。/travel system use Panasonic servo motor. Precise to fix on the point.
l 使用新款精密张力控制器,提供准确平稳张力控制,让产品于绕制过程中更加完善。/Precise new tension controller with a perfect winding process and offer stable tension control
l 本机主轴使用P4级高精度轴承,又可选加油功能,在高动转时减少发热、噪音和磨损,延长使用期。/Precise P4 level spindle with optional injecting oil function, can reduce heating, noise, wear and tear, and extend the life time when the machine is accelerating.
l 主体是铸造件,机器刚性更加好,精度高,排线精度稳定可靠。/Machine base is casting parts with perfect rigidity and highly precise steady spreading wire.
l 骨架端子垂直、水平两个方向任意排列缠绕;线嘴可以在0°、90°、120°多种设定,一次性可完成多种角度缠绕。/Put in order and winding on the vertical direction and level direction of bobbin bin, leading needle could setup and angle or 0 ℃, 90 ℃, 120 ℃. It can be finish to winding on many angle at one time.
l 本公司自行研发操作系统,采用PC编程方式,实现人机对话,易于操作,密码储存功能,防止非相关人员修改程序。/We developed the operating system by ourselves, it with PC programming, man-machine conversation, simple operation, and can deposit the password, in order to avoid unprofessional user revised program.
a) 追加自动上下料装置,节省时间,提高效率。/Supplementary device with taking up/off materials function can save time and promote efficiency.